Tuesday, 30 April 2013

175 Defaces of Chemistry

When I have been looking into stitching into photography and distorting our imagery I have became more enchanted by the idea of 'defacing' the face. Over the next few days I am going to experiment with this further, using the imagery that the group have shared with one another, collaging this, distorting it and then bringing in this concept of 'defacing'. However I am yet to share this idea with the group, we have a tutorial later this afternoon and then we are going to meet to discuss our ideas further straight after, I will use this time to ask them their thoughts on the idea.


verb (used with object), de·faced, de·fac·ing.
to mark the surface or appearance of; disfigure: to deface a wall by writing on it.
to efface, obliterate, or injure the surface of, as to make illegible or invalid: to deface a bond.

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