Thursday, 25 April 2013


Today we had a tutorial with Susan Atkin, the topic for discussion was processes & materials. Most of the group showed up which was really good, but unfortunate for those who did not as I feel that we learnt a lot from the tutorial today and I know feel quite inspired to power through my work. Firstly we went through everyones sketchbooks to see the progress that we had individually made so far. We also discussed what our current ideas were and how we would like to go forward with these ideas.

A few of the pieces that Gabriella had created really stood out to me, we spoke about collaborating our ideas, so she is going to send me some of the images of people she has taken. She has really experimented with the idea of expression, she came up with 175 words to reflect a persons expression, personality and emotions, then drew these words on her friends face and photographed this. I was thinking about looking at this from a different angle, incorporating my idea of stitching into the face, I could stitch words into the face, using different typography. This leads me to many questions, what scale? what colour? how many words? These are just a few questions that I need to ask myself in order to move forward.

The group discussed the issue of colour today, I must say it has been at the back of many peoples minds as we have such a strong idea that we have been concentrating more on the photography side rather than the actual concept itself. I think I was possibly the only member of the group (that showed up) who has began to consciously use colour, which is evident in my machine embroidery development work.

So what I have taken form the tutorial today was that we need to use a lot more colour, even if its just experimental, also that texture and a 3D element is important and needs further development. I also plan on using more photography, combining my own work with the work of other members in the group to start to collaborate our work into a final piece.

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