Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Tutorial with Susan

Topic for Discussion: Presentation & promoting Unit x Festival

So today we met with Susan again. We originally wanted to go over our ideas and how Susan thought we could progress with our exhibition over the weekend. Also we wanted to discuss the final presentation of our work. Unfortunately this was over shadowed by some major concerns about communication within this unit. We have been quite stressed and confused by the emails we have received from some of the tutors.

So firstly, we did go to the meeting at Fred Aldous but the manager had already told us that we could not have the window space, as I explained in my last post. We didn't even know who Adriano was until we received these emails. We told Susan how we felt about the lac of organisation and communication between staff and students. She assured us that our work was heading in a great direction and that we should carry on with what we have been doing. We then discussed that we needed more collaboration within the work that we had produced, we decided to share more of our own images through Facebook, allowing us to se one-anothers images. This put a positive note to the end of a stressful tutorial.

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