Thursday, 21 March 2013

Hilton House/ Sub Group 5

So today was the day sub group 5 finally got to meet! I was really aprehensive as I am quite shy however my group turned out to be lovely! All the girls had really positive outlooks on the project and this settled my mind a lot. Unfortunately the Film and Media studies students that are part of our group did not show up today, hopefully we will get to meet then soon enough. We met in the Northern Quarter of Manchester in Hilton House. The NQ is known for being really cool and trendy.. cliche I know but it is quite an inspirational area to work in. however the building is not.. it is cold, dirty and dark. This however should not stop our creative process.

We had to bring with us to the meeting three facts about the number 175. There were many that were quite similar such as 'The plane that crashed into the twin towers on 9/11 was flight 175' and 'There is a number 175 bus route through London'. We spent the rest of our time discussing the ideas that we were interested in. Some of the ideas that came up were really interesting and I would ahve been quite happy to take any of them into a final idea, however we had to the ruthless and decide which topic we could all be passionate about and really take forward and develop. I will keep up to date with our final idea.

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