Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Hetain Patel

As part of our Contextualising Practice lectures we occasionally have guest lecturers, this week we had a man named Hetain Patel. He is a visual artist who graduated in 2003 and has been working on a variety of pieces of art ever since, mainly focusing on using photography and film. In the majority of his work that I showed us today, he was very involved in all of his pieces, they were all mainly based around himself and his heritage. His passion for experimentation and investigation was evident throughout the lecture, what interested me in his work was his use of recording the work. Many of his pieces were just photographed and documented, however some of his pieces were recorded. I feel this is something my group need to look into a bit more as our Film and Media studies students have yet to turn up to any of our group sessions.

Although these students have not turned up, I feel that we should not rule out recording our ways of working or even using a film as a final piece. It is definitely something I am willing to look into and venture into further, however, I will discuss this further with my group. 

On the other hand, I was not overly fond of Hetain's work. I was inspired by the use of texture within the photographic pieces, however the film did not interest me. Maybe because I did not understand a lot of it, and we were only shown short snippets.

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