Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Presenting our Posters

So today we had to attach our posters to the walls in the Hilton House for all of the other groups to see. This was a really good idea as it allowed us all to see what other interesting ideas people had come up with, and some peoples concepts were extremely interesting. We had around two minutes to come up with a three minute presentation about our concepts and posters, and everyone from our group had to speak. Although some of our group did not turn up I believe that our group did quite well, we had a lot to talk about as we had really went into a lot of depth with our concept and had a lot of ideas to share with everyone. We also had a great feedback with the tutors who loved our ideas. The idea behind these presentations was to review other peoples work, to learn from our own and to create inspiration from one another. Also as this was our first creative task it gave the group some opportunity to see everyones different styles.

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