Monday, 14 October 2013

Summer Brief

Over the summer we were given a brief to keep a record of any cultural activity we were involved in, and to also keep track of different artists who influence us or work in the same way to ourselves. These artists did not have to be specifically textiles artists as we have been encouraged to explore all creative paths to seek inspiration.

My main focus this summer has been collecting visual information and inspiration. I have visited Sharm El Sheik in Egypt and Rome over the summer and have mainly sourced imagery from these places. The architecture in these cities have inspired me throughout the summer and I have enjoyed working from these images and developing the research further to show in my first tutorial back to uni.

Egypt was such an exciting bustling place to be and there was constantly something going on. The amount of design and print that I saw was amazing and really got me excited to start my second year at uni. What I loved most was the use of colour here, which I usually tend to stay away from, however this has allowed me to gain knowledge in how exciting colour can be and that I should jump straight in!

The images that I have chosen to upload here are examples of the mood I would like to create within my upcoming work with the new project at uni. I feel that they warm and exotic with a fun feel to them with the use of colour.

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