Sunday 3 November 2013


After the tutorial this week I realised I needed more textured backgrounds to use along side my motifs. So on my way home from uni, there is a house in the middle of my street that has a lot of scaffolding and building work going on. On the floor outside was a bright green mesh, which I picked up and brought home as I thought it would be useful towards my work. I began to layer acrylic paint over the mesh onto plain paper. and peel away the mesh. Once peeled away I used the opposite side to print any spare paint onto the paper from the inverted side. I really like the textured look that the acrylic paint left, however I felt like the plain white background was something I had been trying to avoid, so I painted a base colour down then layered the mesh over the base colour. The effect of this has been quite successful and I plan to use these in my designs as backgrounds for my motifs to make the designs more interesting.

Something that I feel I could change is the colours, I am going to put these images into photoshop and try to colour match the painting to my colour boards. I will also try to change the opacity so the painting do not over power the designs.

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