Friday 7 February 2014

First Colour Palette

Today I have developed my first colour palette for the 'Conceal' half of my trend. Its quite a subdued palette, with a mixture of greys and blues, which will be quite a contrast to the 'Reveal' half of the trend. I hope to create two colour palettes for each 'Conceal & Reveal'. Firstly I just put the colours down not he page without thinking too much into it. Then on second glance I felt it lacked the sophistication that I want behind my work. So I took to the Pantone website to allow me to present my colour palette more successfully.

I thought more about the layout of the trend book and the uniformity of each page in this next image. I feel that once I create a basic layout it will be easy to transport all of the information into the pages. Also I may add more colours to the colour palette. Changes to the font need to be done too.

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