Saturday, 22 February 2014

Foil - Binding

I printed 10 pages of satin/gloss A3 in the A4 & more store for my trend book. I experimented previously with different types of paper and felt that this gave the most professional look. Unfortunately this paper cannot be double sided printed which is unfortunate but I didn't want to take away any quality by spray mounting the pages together, however this is something I will consider in future when planning to bind something as a book.

An upside to printing my trend book was that Nick from Book Binding kindly slotted me in to bind my trend book! He was really helpful and gave me loads of advice. I hope to get inducted into the Book Binding workshop as it gives that finishing touch to your work and think it would benefit me in my final year. We binded it with a simple bind of two screws with a greybeard from and back. I would have preferred it to be a more traditional bind but we did not have time. This is something I will keep in mind for next time.

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