Sunday 2 February 2014

Frank Gehry

Frank Gehry is one of the most important contemporary architect of our time. He has designed a number of buildings including the Walt Disney Concert Hall and the Guggenheim - Bilboa. It has been joked that he scrumples up a piece of paper, see's what shape it lands in and uses that as his design idea. As in some of his designs it does look like they could fall down at any moment, however also looking extremely well built at the same time. I have chosen to look into Frank Gehry for his forward thinking way of design. His buildings are like nothing I have ever seen, and as I have just recently visited Salford Quays it seemed only right to look further into the architect. He uses metal to reflect the sky, which everyday creates a different shade and shadow so it feels like you are never seeing the same building twice. It looks different from every angle and is in no way symmetrical. I want to take on board some of these theories and incorporate them into my own work.

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