Monday, 3 February 2014

Tutorial 03/02/2014

I felt a lot more confident with this weeks tutorial, I did not have much visual work to show however all my ideas were kind of floating around in my head and I needed a little reassurance that this was the right direction for me. Here are some of the things I written down during todays session.

- Respond more to Market Research, take on board pricing, placement of prints etc..
- Trend book in magazine format?
- Create a mind map of words that link to my project to try 'fluff up' an introduction
- Start making 'Test Spreads' for the final outcome to get a feel for the layout
- Look at Pantone colours for fashion & home TPX = paper
- Only put new techniques into a technical file
- Come up with a name for the trend book be more 'pretentious' with the wording

For next week

- Have a colour palette (use pantone to make it look more professional)
- Have fabric swatches as not printing on fabric
- Have vague illustration of 'layout & illustrations'
- Start thinking about presentation of table top submission

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