Sunday, 2 February 2014


When I went to the Imperial War Museum today, they had a small section on camouflage, this caught my eye as I had previously spoke to Alex about including camouflage within my project. We came to the decision that this was not the best way forward for my project however. I have still been thinking about how to include an 'idea of camouflage' in my project. As we decided not to use the phrase 'industrial' in the project either, I have been thinking of more creative ways to describe my trend.

I thought of something along the lines of using my more 'urban' images as 'blending into our surroundings' and bringing in the sportswear theme to make us 'stand out in the crowd'. These two phrases juxtapose one another, and could be interesting. Although I don't think it will go down well in the tutorial as I have been quite inconsistent with my thought process. A name for the trend could be something like 'Hide & Seek' but maybe more poetic…….

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