Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Alex & Laura Tutorial - Week 3

Alice, Grace and myself went to this tutorial with a few ideas but not completely prepared as we usually are, this left the tutorial quite open for discussion for new ideas. We discussed the idea that 'things' needed to be made; we needed more of our own work to respond to, which we all agreed upon. Also Alex and Laura wanted our ideas to be even bigger, even if they were not possible we still needed to explore bigger ideas. I agree with this, as our research seems to have gone a bit flat, this meeting was the push we needed to get the ball rolling again. We spoke about having more visual research of our own work, this is something that I constantly improve upon through each project, and however this still needs some attention. Throughout the rest of the project I plan to create new inspiring imagery every week to keep myself and the rest of the group inspired.

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