Thursday, 8 November 2012

CAD Workshops

Each week we have been attending CAD workshops in which we have been learning the basics of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I have really enjoyed these workshops as throughout my Foundation Diploma I was always in the CAD room experimenting with my designs and find these a really fun way to see my designs come alive and to see them in different colour-ways and scales. So to start with we learnt how to make our own brushes which is something really useful to know as its such a quick and easy way to begin a pattern or a print (once you've learnt how!). We also scanned in our technical drawings and enhanced them on Illustrator, this allowed me to make my work look more professional and presentable, I definitely prefer this method to a hand drawn flat. Here is an example of something which I created, showing easy ways in which to show a print on a garment.

Here I tried to experiment with colour and scale as at the moment I am still unsure of what my colour palette could be. The final image here is a preset tool within Photoshop which created this weaving look for me, although I think the pattern is interesting it does not work with the drawing that I have scanned, the colours also are too random and are not my style at all. In the future I will experiment more with colours, preferably bolder and much more vibrant colours.

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