Sunday, 10 November 2013


I have been concentrating this past week on getting myself into the print room. Currently I am just waiting for my screen to be developed and I have booked some time for wednesday and thursday, in the print room, as these were the earliest dates that I could get in there. In hindsight I should have booked this time a lot earlier as I currently have nothing physical to show in my tutorial tomorrow.

So I went to Abakhan's fabric shop, which I have never been to. It was amazing! I picked up quite a range of fabrics, some vinyl effect, thick jersey, and also some satin. I wanted a range, in texture and colour, so that I could experiment in the print room. I mainly looked for a range of greys to use as a base background. Although my fabrics are not usually what you would pair together I like the contrast between the textures.

Tonight I plan to develop some more illustrations which will suite my customer more. I am also going to look over the Photoshop 01 workshop handout to further my skills within photoshop.

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