Monday, 16 December 2013

Tutorial 2 16/12/13

Todays tutorial was slightly stressful as I had not done either of the tasks that Alex had asked us to complete as I had been busy concentrating on my essay. However we did go over quite a few things which have put me in good stead for the holidays. These are some of the points that I noted.

- If I make a collection it needs to be broader
- Take a look at trend books and fashion journals
- Trend does not have to be social issue, could be two things that have never been put together before
- Carry out primary research, make mood boards from them and respond through drawing
- Aimed towards Womenswear
- Try and let the trend just 'happen' don't try to over think it or force it
- Take photographs of everything and anything that interests me
- Highstreet brands take trends from Trend Books more literally as apposed to Highend
- Do not need to design a whole collection, just 'responses' to the Trend Book
- Come up with a name for the trend
- Come up with a name for the Trend Book

These are just a few points that I need to consider over the holidays. I plan to keep up my momentum and not try let the holidays slow my pace of work down too much as I want to come back to the next tutorial with quantity. My aim over the holidays is to have this full list completed and have a trend to start researching into. The key to this is going to be my primary visual research, I just need to keep collecting and refining it all.

Brain Storming

After the lecture this week I wanted to start thinking about social issues in todays society and how they can progress within future society. I have made a mind map of some of the initial ideas I had. In reflection I am not a fan of any of them so will be going back to square one.

The Trend Forecaster's Handbook

After getting to the half way point of the book Alex suggested to me, I feel really inspired to start my work, especially the research stage which I would not usually enjoy. It has given me a lot of insight into the day to day life of a forecaster and how they come to reach their ideas. I did not realise how much work would go into it but here are a few things I have jotted down in my 'to do' list.

- Create an 'evidence wall' - store initial ideas/ colours/ themes/ fabrics.
- create a 'mood' or 'mindset'
- start the investigation
- Put together a panel to ask their opinion on your trend (Artists/ sociologist/ psychologist/ buyer)
- Gather questions to ask
- Create trend cartogram
- The wall must read 'Who/ what/ why/ when/ where/ how)

This is all known collectively as 'Cultural Brailling', which is basically sussing out your market, who you are targeting and why.

However at the moment I do not have a specific idea to go forward with just yet.

Angela Davies Lecture

Although Angela's work does not relate to that of my own I still wanted to attend the lecture as it is good to here how other practitioners have developed their practice into a career. Angela focus' on sculptural textiles and sensory installation based work. One thing that she said did interest me, it was that when she was studying for her degree ten years ago, she did not have the technology she wanted or needed to fulfil her vision. This is quite interesting as I have been researching into new technologies that will be released in the next 2-4 years as it related to my trend book idea.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

First Locating Group Tutorial

This morning was the first day of our new project, Locating. We had our unit brief lecture which made everything a lot clearer for everyone and has actually got me excited to start. After being criticised in the last project for not having much work from the beginning of the project I really want to start as I mean to go on and work flat out.

In the group tutorial we were asked to answer a few questions which would help us when it comes to writing our own brief. Here are a few of my first thoughts on the project.

What are you aiming to create/ make/ design? - A Trend book with a print collection responding to the trend book.

What visual research will be undertaken? - I will source visual imagery through primary research, photography, blogs, magazines and journals.

Explain any themes, ideas or concepts you plan to explore. - I have not yet decided on a solid idea for a trend. However in the group tutorial we discussed looking into upcoming future events such as the next olympics in Rio, so I could look at Brazilian Culture.

What methods, techniques or lines of enquiry do you intend to use? Using WGSN, searching through the library for journals and reading the book 'The Trend Forecaster's Handbook' by Martin Raymond.

How does the intended work/ project relate to previous work? After my feedback we discussed that looking into trends would be great as it relates to the way I present my work. I will also still look into creating a print collection.

What is the market or context for your proposed work? - Highstreet is the market I aim to create my trendbook for. Such as the Arcadia Group, River Island, Zara and H&M.

For next weeks tutorial we have to have a draft for our brief and a lot of visual research. I am glad Alex has set us this target as it is keeping me motivated to constantly think about my work. In future I will set these personal goals for myself.