Tuesday, 11 March 2014

David Sedgwick - Graphic Design

David is an ex MMU student, pursuing his career in Graphic Design. He has his own design company now and has a very large client base. He spoke a lot about the importance of social media, and how using it can help build your client base. His aesthetic really stood out to me as its minimalistic but bold, he is not afraid of colour and is very experimental with his typography. Something which I found interesting was the way he used paper folding. When he creates booklets David really thinks about what the page will look like when it's folded so tries to incorporate this into the actual design which is something my group could look into when creating a zine/trend book.

Sedgwick also mentioned a project on 'longevity' I thought this connected to Unit X as life expectancy is a lot higher so I am going to look further into this. Also I plan to attend his BCR/MCR exhibition in the Northern Quarter as after the last project, layout and graphics really interest me.

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