Tuesday 11 March 2014

Tutorial #1: 11/03/2014

The group presented the 'over populated' idea to Alex and he seemed to really like it. I think the fact that we are really enthusiastic about it was a great start, as we are already working very well as a group. We spoke about a lot of different things in the tutorial but everything was positive. There are a lot of ideas so we need to work on condensing these. Some of the key things we discussed;

- Over-population seems to balance itself out with natural disaster/ disease
- How does this influence design?
- Smaller living areas as there is less space due to over crowding
- Life expectancy is higher 
- Design for older people - Could watch 'Fabulous Fashionistas' Channel 4, for research
- Causes - Contraception unavailable in certain countries
- Growth in population in China, India
- More people in China - they get better at design, not just manufacturing
- Liked the 'Multiples' idea, needs to be more abstract
- Even though there are more people, people are still individual
- Selfies - Sharing what you're wearing
- Evidence where 'multiples' have spread

- Virus kills people OR Viral marketing?

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